Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the treatment cost?

New client- £275*
6-8 week touch up- Free                                       12-18 month touch up- £150                          18+ months- from £150

*Please note a £25 booking fee is required to secure the booking then the rest is payable at the first session.

How long does it last?

Typically between 1-3 years depending on lifestyle, skintype and skincare routine. Annual touch ups are recommended between 12-18 months to freshen up the microbladed strokes and give the brows a colour boost.

How long does the treatment take?

The initial session usually takes between 1.5-2 hours. This includes the consultation, numbing time and creating the perfect eyebrow shape for you. The 6-8 week touch up session usually takes up to an 1 hour.

Is the touch up session neccassary?

Yes. During the healing process certain areas may heal out and will need to be refilled. The pigment may also need adjusting as well as the thickness and shape. Most importantly, the touch up is for perfecting the brows to ensure you love your new brows and to make sure they last.

Does it hurt?

The answer to this depends mainly on your own tolerance to pain. A numbing cream is applied throughout the procedure but some level of pain or discomfort should be expected. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being very painful) the majority of my clients say between 1 and 2.

Who shouldn’t get PMU?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you are under 18 years old.
If you are undergoing chemotherapy/radiotherapy.
If you’ve had Botox/fillers in the brow area less than 3 weeks before your appointment.
If you are prone to keloid scarring.            If you are on blood/skin thinning medication.